Autism ALLways is a fundraiser started by the older sister of one of our clients. It raises money for families who have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism ALLways

to afford necessary therapies in partnership with Great Start Therapy. Awarded to families struggling to cover the burdensome cost of therapy, Autism ALLways strives to alleviate some of this financial stress for those who need it. Begun in 2017, Autism ALLways has so far raised over $26,000 for its cause, granting scholarships to individuals who otherwise would not be able to afford our services. If your family feels they could qualify for a scholarship, please let us know.
Frequently Asked Questions
Being a part of Autism ALLways has been life changing. Watching a young
woman come up with a mission, plan events, advertise and raise funds for the better of others is truly heart-warming. Autism ALLways has brought a community of therapists, parents, siblings, friends and families together to bring awareness and create change. Thanks to Autism ALLways we have given countless children, teens and young adults the ability to attend speech and occupational therapy without the financial burden. I have watched many children flourish with consistent therapy that they otherwise would not have been able to afford. Great Start Therapy is forever grateful to the generosity and endless love Autism ALLways has provided."
Melanie Krevitz Bellissima
Owner of Great Start Therapy

Founder Addie Blumberg and GST Owner Melanie Bellissima

We hit the lottery when we found Great Start Therapy Associates LLC [...] Last month, we were even more blessed by being the recipient of funding through Autism ALLways. They covered our co-pays for the month. What an incredible and touching gift."
TJ at the Autism ALLways Walk With Friends event
Kathryn McNamara
TJ's Mom and Recipient of Donations